30 april 2010

Computer says NO

My laptop broke down a few weeks ago and there still seems to be a problem since it doesn't work properly...so there isn't much blogging action going on here! I hope to get it up and running very soon!

Mijn laptop weigerde een paar weken geleden dienst en hapert nog steeds, vandaar dat er weinig geblogd wordt hier! Ik hoop dat ik hem heel snel terug aan de praat krijg!

But...since we've been having beautiful weather the past couple of days I've been thinking about summer parties and tiki bars. I would love to build one (= have one built by my lovely crafty husband. - it doesn't hurt to give him some compliments in advance to speed up the whole process -). It doesn't have to be a permanent one (if that can make the task somewhat easier on him). For some Tiki inspiration:

Have a great weekend and I hope to join you back again soon!

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