First of all, apologies for the lack of posts this week: we had a tattoo convention last weekend and more coming up. And I've been so busy working and enjoying this fabulous weather we're having!
The sun is shining so brightly, I even got a sunshine award from the lovely Saskia! Thank you so much!
So what has been on my mind?
I know this is far from new, very retro in fact, but I just can't get these nails out of my mind. Especially because I saw my mother-in-law wearing red and white nailpolish in a similar way like a reversed french manicure earlier this week. (she didn't realise how cool she was in my book) I must try it myself. If I ever get it right I'll show you the result!
Looking at my giveaway, you must have noticed I'm a serious rock'n roll addict. I'd love to introduce some of my favorites to you now and again. The first one is Charlie Feathers. I just can't sit still listening to his music. Check out One hand loose on the official website.
Check this site tomorrow if you're curious who won the bracelet! Good luck to you all!